
This following will install Terrakube using "HTTP" a few features like the Terraform registry and the Terraform remote state won't be available because they require "HTTPS", to install with HTTPS support locally with minikube check this

Terrakube can be installed in minikube as a sandbox environment to test, to use it please follow this:

Setup Helm Repository

helm repo add terrakube-repo https://AzBuilder.github.io/terrakube-helm-chart
helm repo update

Setup Minikube

minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
minikube addons enable storage-provisioner
minikube ip 

Copy the minikube ip address ( Example:

Setup Terrakube namespace

kubectl create namespace terrakube

Setup DNS records

sudo nano /etc/hosts terrakube-ui.minikube.net terrakube-api.minikube.net terrakube-reg.minikube.net

Install Terrakube

helm install terrakube terrakube-repo/terrakube -n terrakube

It will take some minutes for all the pods to be available, the status can be checked using

kubectl get pods -n terrakube

If you found the following message "Snippet directives are disabled by the Ingress administrator", please update the ingres-nginx-controller configMap in namespace ingress-nginx adding the following:

allow-snippet-annotations: "true"

Reference: https://github.com/AzBuilder/terrakube/issues/618#issuecomment-1838980451

The environment has some users, groups and sample data so you can test it quickly.

Visit http://terrakube-ui.minikube.net and login using admin@example.com with password admin

You can login using the following user and passwords

The sample user and groups information can be updated in the kubernetes secret:


Minikube will use a very simple OpenLDAP, make sure to change this when using in a real kubernetes environment. Using the option security.useOpenLDAP=false in your helm deployment.

Select the "simple" organization and the "sample_simple" workspace and run a job.

For more advance configuration options to install Terrakube visit:


Last updated