
For using repositories from with Terrakube workspaces and modules you will need to follow these steps:

Manage VCS Providers permission is required to perform this action, please check Team Management for more info.

Navigate to the desired organization and click the Settings button, then on the left menu select VCS Providers

If you prefer, you can add a new VCS Provider directly from the Create workspace or Create Module screen.

Click the Github button and then click the Github Cloud option.

In the next screen click the link to register a new OAuth Application in Github

In the Github page, complete the required fields and click Register application

You can complete the fields using the information suggested by terrakube in the VCS provider screen

Next, generate a new client secret

Copy the Client Id and Client Secret from Github and go back to Terrakube to complete the required information. Then, click the Connect and Continue button

You will see the Github page, click the Authorize button to complete the connection

Finally, if the connection was established successfully, you will be redirected to the VCS provider’s page in your organization. You should see the connection status with the date and the user that created the connection.

And now, you will be able to use the connection in your workspaces and modules: