This feature is supported from version 2.20.0 and helm chart version 3.16.0
Terrakube allow to have one or multiple agents to run jobs, you can have as many agents as you want for a single organization.
To use this feature you could deploy a single executor component using the following values:
# Executor should be enable but we need to customize the apiServiceUrlexecutor:enabled:trueapiServiceUrl:"http://terrakube-api-service.terrakube:8080"## The API is in another namespace called "terrakube"# We need to disable the default openLdap but we need to provide the internal secret# so the executor can authenticat with the API and the Registrysecurity:useOpenLDAP:falseinternalSecret:"AxxPdgpCi72f8WhMXCTGhtfMRp6AuBfj"# We need to disable dex in this deploymentdex:enabled:false# We need to disable default storage MINIO and set some custom values # in this example will be deploying like using an external MINIO#(other backend storage could be used too)storage:defaultStorage:falseminio:accessKey:"admin"secretKey:"superadmin"bucketName:"terrakube"endpoint:"http://terrakube-minio.terrakube:9000"## MINIO is in another namespace called "terrakube"# We need to disable API, the default redis and default postgresql database# But we need to provide some properties like the redis connectionapi:enabled:falsedefaultRedis:falsedefaultDatabase:falseproperties:redisHostname:"terrakube-redis-master.terrakube"## REDIS is in another namespace called "terrakube"redisPassword:"7p9iWVeRV4S944"# We need to disable registry deploymentregistry:enabled:false# We need to disable ui deploymentui:enabled:false# We need to disable the ingress configuration# but we need to specify the api and registry URL ingress:useTls:falseincludeTlsHosts:falseui:enabled:falseapi:enabled:falsedomain:""registry:enabled:falsedomain:""dex:enabled:false
The above values are assuming the we have deploy terrakube using the domain "" inside a namespace called "terrakube"
Now that we have our values.yaml we can use the following helm command: