Minio (S3 compatible)

The first step will be to deploy a minio instance inside minikube in the terrakube namespace

Create the file minio-setup.yaml that we can use to create the default user and buckets

  rootUser: "admin"
  rootPassword: "superadmin"
defaultBuckets: "terrakube"
kubectl install --values minio-setup.yaml miniostorage bitnami/minio -n terrakube

Once the minio storage is installed lets get the service name.

kubectl get svc -o wide -n terrakube

The service name for the minio storage should be "miniostorage"

Once minio is installed with a bucket you will need to get the following:

  • access key

  • secret key

  • bucket name

  • endpoint (http://miniostorage:9000)

Now you have all the information we will need to create a terrakube.yaml for our terrakube deployment with the following content:

## Terrakube Storage
  defaultStorage: false
    accessKey: "admin"
    secretKey: "superadmin"
    bucketName: "terrakube"
    endpoint: "http://miniostorage:9000"

Now you can install terrakube using the command:

helm install --values terrakube.yaml terrakube terrakube-repo/terrakube -n terrakube