Minio (S3 compatible)

This guide will assume that you are using the minikube deployment, but the storage backend can be used in any real kubernetes environment.

The first step will be to deploy a minio instance inside minikube in the terrakube namespace

MINIO helm deployment link

Create the file minio-setup.yaml that we can use to create the default user and buckets

  rootUser: "admin"
  rootPassword: "superadmin"
defaultBuckets: "terrakube"
kubectl install --values minio-setup.yaml miniostorage bitnami/minio -n terrakube

Once the minio storage is installed lets get the service name.

kubectl get svc -o wide -n terrakube

The service name for the minio storage should be "miniostorage"

Once minio is installed with a bucket you will need to get the following:

  • access key

  • secret key

  • bucket name

  • endpoint (http://miniostorage:9000)

Now you have all the information we will need to create a terrakube.yaml for our terrakube deployment with the following content:

## Terrakube Storage
  defaultStorage: false
    accessKey: "admin"
    secretKey: "superadmin"
    bucketName: "terrakube"
    endpoint: "http://miniostorage:9000"

Now you can install terrakube using the command:

helm install --values terrakube.yaml terrakube terrakube-repo/terrakube -n terrakube