Creating Workspaces

Manage Workspaces permission is required to perform this action, please check Team Management for more info.

When creating a Workspace, Terrakube supports 3 workflows types and based on the selected workflow you will need to provide some parameters. Please refer to each workflow section for more reference.

Version Control workflow

Click Workspaces in the main menu and then click the New workspace button

Select the IaC type for now we support terraform and open tofu

Choose the Version control workflow

Select an existing version control provider or click Connect to a different VCS to configure a new one. See VCS Providers for more details.

Provide the git repository URL and click the Continue button.

If you want to connect to a private git repo using SSH Keys you will need to provide the url in ssh format. Example For more information see SSH

Configure the workspace settings.

Once you fill the settings click the Create Workspace button.

When using a VCS conection you can also select wich action will be triggered when doing a git push to the selected branch in the repository.

You will be redirected to the Workspace page

And if you navigate to the Workspace menu, you will see the workspace in the Workspaces list

Once you create your workspace, Terrakube sets up a webhook with your VCS. This webhook runs a job based on the “Plan and apply” template every time you push new changes to the workspace branch. However, this feature does not work yet with Azure DevOps VCS provider.

CLI-driven Workflow

Click Workspaces in the main menu and then click the New workspace button

Choose the CLI-driven workflow

Configure the workspace settings.

Once you fill the settings click the Create Workspace button.

You will be redirected to the Workspace page.

The overview page for CLI-driven workspaces show the step to connect to the workspace using the Terraform CLI. For more details see CLI-driven Workflow

And if you navigate to the Workspace menu you will see the workspace in the Workspaces list

API-driven Workflow

Click Workspaces in the main menu and then click the New workspace button

Choose the API-driven workflow

Configure the workspace settings.

Once you fill the settings click the Create Workspace button.

ou will be redirected to the Workspace page.

For more details how to use the Terrakube API. See API-driven Workflow

And if you navigate to the Workspace menu you will see the workspace in the Workspaces list

Last updated