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This is the high level architecture of the platform
Component descriptions:
Terrakube API:
Expose a JSON:API or GraphQL API providing endpoints to handle:
Workspace API with the following support:
Terraform state history
Terraform output history
Terraform Variables (public/secrets)
Environment Variables (public/secrets)
Cron like support to schedule the jobs execution programmatically
Custom terraform flows based on Terrakube Configuration Language
Terrakube Jobs:
Automatic process that check for any pending job operations in any workspace to trigger a custom logic flow based on Terrakube Configuration Language
Terrakube Executor:
Service that executes the Terrakube job operations written in Terrakube Configuration Language, handle the terraform state and outputs using cloud storage providers like Azure Storage Account
Terrakube Open Registry:
This component allows to expose an open source private repository protected by Dex that you can use to handle your company private terraform modules or providers.
Cloud Storage:
Cloud storage to handle terraform state, outputs and terraform modules used by terraform CLI
The platform can be used with any database supported by the Liquibase project.
All authentication and authorization is handle using Dex.
Terrakube CLI:
Go based CLI that can communicate with the Terrakube API and execute operation for organizations, workspaces, jobs, templates, modules or providers
Terrakube UI:
React based frontend to handle all Terrakube Operations.
Terrakube can installed in any kuberentes cluster using any cloud provider. We provide a Helm Chart that can be found in the following link.