Team Tokens

Terrakube allow the creation of team tokens, this will allow the end user to create a token with only the necessary permissions.

Team tokens can be only generated using the API for now.

To create a team token we need to first create API Token, after that we can use the generated token to create the team token using the following endpoint:

POST {{terrakubeApi}}/access-token/v1/teams
Authorization: Bearer (PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN)
Request Body:
  "days": "1",
  "group": "TERRAKUBE_ADMIN",
  "description": "Sample PAT"

A team token can only be generated if you are member of the specified team.

It will generate a token with the following structure.\

To search all the generated team tokens, this method can be used and it will return all the tokens generated for the groups where your users belongs.

GET {{terrakubeApi}}/access-token/v1/teams
Authorization: Bearer (PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN)
Response Body:
    "createdDate": "2023-09-18T23:10:02.482+00:00",
    "createdBy": "",
    "updatedDate": "2023-09-18T23:10:02.482+00:00",
    "updatedBy": "",
    "id": "a00d2ee2-81d3-4e2b-ae5f-6a2edd43a0bb",
    "days": 1,
    "group": "TERRAKUBE_ADMIN",
    "description": "Sample PAT"

To validate the current teams for your user before generate a team token this can be used:

GET {{terrakubeApi}}/access-token/v1/teams/current-teams
Authorization: Bearer (PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN)
Response Body:
  "groups": [

This feature is supported from Terrakube 2.16.0

Last updated