You can handle Terrakube users with differen authentication providers like the following
AWS Cognito Authentication with Dex Connecor require Terrakube >= 2.6.0 and Helm Chart >= 2.0.0
AWS Cognito
AWS S3 Bucket
For this example lets image that you will be using the following domains to deploy Terrakube.
You need to complete the AWS Cognito authentication setup for Dex using the OIDC connector. You can found information in this link
You need to create a new Cognito user pool
You can keep the default values
Add the domain name to cognito
Once the user pool is created you will need to create a new application.
Update the application configuration and update the redirect URL configuration.
Now you can create the DEX configuration, you will use this config later when deploying the helm chart.
The firt step is to clone the repository.
Replace <<CHANGE_THIS>> with the real values, create the values.yaml file and run the helm install
Run the installation
For any question or feedback please open an issue in our helm chart repository
To run Terrakube in Docker Desktop you wil need the following:
Create Github Organization
Create a team called TERRAKUBE_ADMIN and add the members
Install Docker Desktop
Nginx Ingress for Docker Desktop
Azure Storage Account/AWS S3 Bucket/GCP Storage Bucket
To get more information about the Dex Configuration for Github you can check this link
Create a new Github Oauth application with the authorization callback URL "http://host.docker.internal/dex/callback" in this link
Copy the values for Client Id and Client Secret
Update the HOSTS file adding the following
Replace <<CHANGE_THIS>> with the real values, create the values.yaml file and run the helm install
Run the installation
For any question please open an issue in our helm chart repository
Azure Authentication with Dex Connecor require Terrakube >= 2.6.0 and Helm Chart >= 2.0.0
Azure Active Directory
Azure Storage Account
For this example lets image that you will be using the following domains to deploy Terrakube.
You need to complete the Azure authentication setup for Dex. You can found information in this
You need to go to your Azure and create a new Application
After the application is created you need to add the redirect URL.
You will also need to add the permission Directory.Read.All and ask a Azure administrator to approve the permission.
Now you can create the DEX configuration, you will use this config later when deploying the helm chart.
The firt step is to clone the repository.
Replace <<CHANGE_THIS>> with the real values, create the values.yaml file and run the helm install
Run the installation
Google Identity Authentication with Dex connector require Terrakube >= 2.6.0 and Helm Chart >= 2.0.0
Google Cloud Identity
Gooble Storage Bucket
For this example lets image that you will be using the following domains to deploy Terrakube.
You need to complete the Google authentication setup for Dex. You can found information in this
You need to go to your GCP projet and create a new OAuth Application you can follow this steps: firts select "APIs & Services => Credentials"
Once inside the "Credentials" page, you will have to create a new OAuth Client
You can now generate the JSON credentials file for your application, you will use this file later in the helm chart.
Now you can create the DEX configuration, you will use this config later when deploying the helm chart.
The firt step is to clone the repository.
Replace <<CHANGE_THIS>> with the real values, create the values.yaml file and run the helm install
Run the installation
For any question or feedback please open an issue in our
The OAuth application should look like this with the redirect URL ""
For Google authentication we need to get the GCP groups so you need to complete .
Include the Domain Wide Delegation inside the admin consol for the OAuth application
Using the following permission ""
For any question or feedback please open an issue in our